SUNDAY JUNE 2 | 9am-12pm
- We will meet at the Main Building at 9am (8:30 coffee & donuts)
- Then we will pray together and head out to projects
- Afterwards, we will have lunch together at 12:15 back at the church
We love our Stanwood/Camano community so Sunday, June 2 we are taking our worship to the streets!
Join us as we SERVE OUR CITY by working at school grounds, parks, senior centers and take time to write thank you cards to our city officials, first responders and educators. Single, families with children, whoever you are, there is a place for YOU to serve!
Join us as we SERVE OUR CITY by working at school grounds, parks, senior centers and take time to write thank you cards to our city officials, first responders and educators. Single, families with children, whoever you are, there is a place for YOU to serve!
- Grab your work gloves & shoes, any weed wackers or hedge clippers and we will help with some light landscaping at the parks and school.
- We also have an opportunity to chop wood for families in our community who need to stay warm.
- Operation THANK YOU is also a place to serve by writing thank you cards to city officials, first responders and educators in our city.